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Roar Tutoring

Get personalized online tutoring in math, science, Spanish, English, essay writing, ACT, and SAT prep for public, private, and homeschool students. Rachelle and James have over 20 years of experience and are committed to assisting students in comprehending complex concepts and reaching their academic objectives. Each online lesson is customized to meet the unique requirements of every student, regardless of their subject or level. Don't let a difficult subject prevent you from achieving your goals. Instead, use it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Reach out to us for more information

New and Upcoming

Peer Tutoring

Peer Tutoring

Does your child need extra help in math, reading, history or science? How about with a mentor closer to their age?

Introducing peer tutoring for kids from 2nd to 5th grade. See all our amazing student tutors below.

Email roartutor@yahoo.com for more information.

Become a Published Author

Has your child always dreamed of publishing their own book?

We can help your child become a publish author by setting up 1:1 sessions with Rachelle, James or Ashley.

Email roartutor@yahoo.com for more information.


Rachelle Bryant

Hello 👋 My name is Rachelle Bryant and I’m the founder of ROAR Tutoring. I started tutoring in HS, started my business in college, and went back to it full time after obtaining my MBA, because it is truly my calling. I am a mom to 16yr old b/g twins and 10 yr old g/g twins. I always tell people tutoring is my passion, but I’ve never taken any education classes in my life....I’m not just a content tutor, I build trusting relationships with students and help guide them through the challenges of school/life during their learning years. Supporting mental health is my #1 priority. I primarily teach/tutor all levels of Math 🧮, all levels of Science 🧪 🔬🧬, all levels of Spanish and SAT/ACT 📝 prep. I also help with study skills, organizational skills, work with test anxiety and special learning needs. I look forward each year to continue with students from years past and meet new ones along the way. You can contact me at (817) 874-9512 or roartutor@yahoo.com

James Bryant

James Bryant

Their, There, They're
Common grammar and spelling mistakes can be easy to miss. Built in spell check and grammar check can only take you so far when giving your words the professional polish that they deserve.
Hi, my name is James Bryant. I have been working with students, individuals, and businesses for over 20 years crafting and editing papers and other documents. Let my experience take your hard work from mundane to insane. ...
Levels of Service:
Level 1: Proofreading: When proofreading, I will look for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. I will also review formatting of the document to make sure that it is consistent.
Level 2: Copywriting: I will focus on the details in the text to make sure that it is clear. I will look at consistency with numbers and dates, abbreviations, references, as well as spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Includes everything in level 1.
Level 3: Substantive Editing: Allow me to assess the purpose of your text, who will read it, and why. I will ensure that your text navigates well, that the structure is logical, and whether there needs to be major rewriting. Includes everything in level 1 and 2.

Robin Shaw

Hi friends! My name is Robin Shaw, and I live in beautiful SE Connecticut. I'm a retired Special Education teacher, and now I'm the reading tutor with ROAR Tutoring and Mentoring. My business is called Reading with Robin. I work with kids grades K-7 to strengthen their reading skills. For some children, it's beginning phonics on up to reading chapter ...books together with written responses. For this, I created a system called Writing with Robin. If you have any concerns about your child's reading, let's set up a chat to see how I can best support you and your child. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🔥Third grade  has been identified as important to reading literacy because it is the final year children are "learning to read," after which students are “reading to learn.” If they are not proficient readers when they begin fourth grade, as much as half of the curriculum they will be taught will be incomprehensible. That's a really scary thought. Contact me if you'd like to explore tutoring options. It's never too early to start thinking about your kids' literacy. I'm here to help!

Ashley Packard

Hello ROAR Tutoring!
I’m Ashley Elizabeth Packard, a 15 year veteran educator and passionate content creator, and I’m thrilled to be joining the Wildly Free LLC team to host the Now’s the Write Time writing workshops this summer. Because of the connection to ROAR Tutoring, I wanted to introduce myself here too. Who knows, maybe there will be some small group writing opportunities come fall! ... My background is varied, but it is all focused on educating and coaching people at variety of levels. It’s my passion and something that drives me to continue to pursue opportunities like this! I actually started coaching volleyball and tutoring my peers in high school in a variety of subject areas and graduated college with a Bachelors in Middle School Education - certified in math, language arts, and k-12 spanish. I went back to receive my Masters in Curriculum & Instruction and have been actively pushing the boundaries of public education and how we view learning ever since. My vision is to empower people of all ages to embrace the quest for deep understanding through connected experiences that inspire creative, meaningful, and relevant learning and therefore more authentic writing. If you’re looking for someone to dig in alongside you while you work to raise the level of your communication - written, oral, or otherwise - then I’m excited to have the opportunity to work with you!

Young Adult and Student Tutors

Maggie Chambers

My name is Maggie Chambers;
I'm a high-school graduate making my way in life. I've kept journals for years, and loved writing for as long as I can remember. True connection is paramount to me, as well, so, if I can help others find their voice, build one-on-one connections, and do something I love in the process, I'm all for it! ...I can't wait to help others discover their passion, as I discovered mine, and watch them pursue it wholeheartedly. Publishing my own work has been one of the most fulfilling accomplishments in my life, and I hope that that can be true for at least one other aspiring young writer out there, too!

Sebastian Bryant

Sebastian Bryant

Hello, my name is Sebastian Bryant, I am graduating High School in a few months and am a tutor for ROAR Tutoring. My favorite subjects are history and science. I am also the editor and producer for the Wildly Free YouTube channel and podcast. I have experience working with students in 2nd to 5th grade in reading and math. My hobbies include playing games, listening to the oldies, and making small cartoons. Thank You for choosing ROAR Tutoring!

Robin Conkle

Hi! My name is Robin Conkle. I am a member of the graduating Class of 2026 and I’m going to be tutoring math and science. I want to be a tutor because I love helping kids of all ages and understand the helpful impact that tutoring can have on an individual. I understand that all people learn differently and have different interests.... My passion is helping individuals that love to learn and are always ready for another challenge.

I, myself, am a 2-time Texas UIL All-State Wrestler and a part of a Texas UIL State Qualifying Marching Band. I play the sousaphone and tuba for my marching and concert bands. I have been recognized in and outside of school for my athletic and academic achievements. Most recently I was recognized with the High School Scholar All-American Award given by the National Wrestling Coaches Association and The United States Marine Corps for a second consecutive year.

As I advance into the next school year I will continue my leadership journey as a second year Team Captain to my wrestling team as well as a peer mentor to in-coming Freshmen for my high school. ...I’m not just a content tutor, I build trusting relationships with students and help guide them through the challenges of school/life during their learning years. Supporting mental health is my #1 priority. I primarily teach/tutor all levels of Math 🧮, all levels of Science 🧪 🔬🧬, all levels of Spanish and SAT/ACT 📝 prep. I also help with study skills, organizational skills, work with test anxiety and special learning needs. I look forward each year to continue with students from years past and meet new ones along the way. You can contact me at (817) 874-9512 or roartutor@yahoo.com

Jessica Conkle

Hi, I’m Jessica and I am a part of the 2026 High School Graduating Class. I currently participate in a concert band and a UIL State Qualifying Marching Band where I play the flute. I am also a part of my school wrestling team where I am a 2-time UIL Region 2-5A qualifier. I have also previously been a part of multiple choirs.... I have been recognized for both my academic and athletic abilities inside and outside of school. I am a 2- time recipient of the National Wrestling Coaches Association & The United States Marine Corps High School Scholar All-American Award.

I am looking forward to making connections with people and teaching. I love all school subjects and excel in both math and science. With Roar Tutoring I will mainly be focusing on math grades 2-6. My goal is to expand my abilities and topics in the near future.

I have been in a multitude of leadership positions both past and present. Currently I am one of about 70 students who were chosen to be peer mentors for incoming freshmen at my high school. I also enjoy helping guide new and interested wrestlers in hopes they will develop a passion for a sport that I love.

Some words from our happy clients

Rachelle has been absolutely amazing with my high schooler. We found Rachelle, desperately, with only a few weeks before the end of the school uear. Rachelle worked hard to get my duagheter cauhgt up on subjects, prepared for final exams, and raised her grades! We continue to work with Rachelle, who has found the best learning/teaching style , as well as the ability to raise her confidence. I highly recommend Rachelle for all your tutoring needs.
Leslie Rabaut Simms
Rachelle has been amazing for my anxious son. She worked with him on math as well as other subjects and he has improved consderably. She really got to the heart of his issues and figured out exactly how he learns best. Thanks Rachelle, you are a gem!
Nina Platou Brown
We found Rachelle with a few months left of my son's junior year. He was struggling in Math and Rachel was a godsend. He wa able to get his test scores up and felt much more confiedent after working with her. Rachel works so well with him that we will continue through his senior year.
Sarah Duffy
My twins Max and a Chloe each have different challenges, including some learning disabilities. Rachelle guided them with a firm hand a postivie attitude. It's making a huge difference and they like it. Which is a miracle. Thank you, Rachelle!!
Camille Brightsmith
Rachelle has done an amazing job helping our now sophomore catch up with subjects that were a struggle for our daughter. She works really hard to make sure her students understand the material and can take that information with them to class. I highly recommend her to anyone!
Stacy Mistarz
Rachelle has done wonders for my son! He was struggling in math and now has an A. She has also been an immense help with his other subjects as well. My son and Rachelle have a weekly Skype session which makes getting him to tutoring super easy. Two big thumbs up for Rachelle!!
Leigh Hebert
Excellent, Rachelle covers so many topics and tailors her approach to best match the learning style of the pupil.
Andrew Bassett
Rachelle helped my son with a few issues in Chemistry. They worked together on FaceTime. It went very smoothly. They worked through his issues quickly and efficiently!
Jamie Selby
If you want an experienced and compassionate tutor...Rachelle is your pick! Can't say enough about her abilities to teach and strong passion for the success of her children.
Krista McIntire
My daughters love learning spanish from Rachelle!!
Autumn Wicks Hayes
Rachelle Bryant has been tutoring our teen for three years; eighth grade to current/the start of junior year.
Rachelle not only is extremely competent within her subject of math, she is sensitively intuitive and very invested in reaching the child where they are at present. Often people believe online tutoring fails to reach the whole child, however, because she meets the child in the present moment, this is NOT the case with Rachelle. Rachelle begins each session with a couple minutes of reconnecting. This may include weaving in a memory or two from the last couple sessions followed by what is happening at present. She is deeply attuned to our child’s emotional wellbeing. From here, Rachelle has learned where the child is and can then successfully springboard, reaching the child academically.
Additionally, when there are concerns AND successes, Rachelle privately connects with the parent. In the times we live in today, this is a vital piece of the parenting puzzle in creating a confident child who is actively improving and advancing in their subject, and well-being. It takes a village, and, Rachelle is an essential part within our village. As a family, we highly recommend Rachelle to those ready to help their child succeed.
I highly recommend Mrs. Robin! She is a true gem and has been pivotal in my son's reading & writing success!
We came to Robin shortly after my son was diagnosed with dyslexia in the 3rd grade. While he receives extra help at school my husband and I wanted to do all we could for our son as he was about 2 grade levels behind in reading. I kept seeing Reading With Robin posts on Facebook and one day decided to reach to her. Hands down best decision we could have made. Robin spent the time on the phone with us getting to know about our son and put together a special package to cater his needs. She even attends his IEP meetings! And wow!!!!!! What a difference it has made, even his teachers are impressed at how far he has come! He is now going into 5th grade, still see's Mrs. Robin twice a week and is now a confident reader who actually enjoys picking up a book!
Hi Robin! I just wanted to let you know how thrilled we are and to thank you! C's teacher came up to me yesterday to tell me how well C did on his reading test. She said he is at the 8th grade level on reading, vocabulary, and comprehension! I am so happy! I think working with you really made a difference and I wanted to thank you for all you do! 💜
Hi Robin, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you! Thank you so much for all that you do to help Khloe reach milestones! She absolutely looks forward to your sessions, and her attitude about school has changed completely! She enjoys school now, and her confidence has improved in reading and writing, and that makes me so happy! So again, thank you so much. It takes a village and I'm thankful that you're a part of our village! You are very appreciated 😊
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