28 days
Every 28 days I get an infusion that gives me the opportunity to live another 28 days.
Living in segments like this is both amazing and at times, a bit challenging. Not going to sugar coat it, it’s a choice to fight every day.
It got me thinking about how I live differently, look at the world differently and respond to the world differently. It’s like living on such a high level of awareness and gratitude that I wouldn’t trade for anything.
Today is infusion day. Where I restart the stop watch of another 28 days. All the possibilities between now and July 12th. How many moments will I get to be absolutely present in, with the people I choose to spend a part of the 40320 minutes I am gifted.
Each second, minute, hour and day are a gift you get to choose how to receive and give. Try not to let the distractions of the world steal your power, choice and joy.